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AWESOME Rainbow Experiments With Kids

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Making rainbows with kids is SO much fun!  I want to show you some awesome rainbow experiments you can do with kids. Rainbow science is amazing and kids love it.

This post is part of the Weekly Virtual Book Club for Kids. This week’s book is A Rainbow of My Own by Don Freeman. It is a darling book about a little boy trying to find a rainbow outside and the imaginary adventures he has with the rainbow!  My kids and I loved this book! These rainbow experiments that we did go perfectly with the book. ( See also my Rainbow Science With Absorption post!)

The first rainbow experiment is SO easy and can be done with just an old CD.  I am sure you have some of those lying around… On a sunny day get the sun to reflect right onto the CD and it will reflect a rainbow onto your wall or wherever you shine it. You could hold it and let your kids draw the rainbow too! (If you are patient…)

How to Make a Rainbow

The next one is another super simple experiment with rainbows. It’s similar to the CD, but with a glass of water. The sun shines through the water and casts a rainbow below the glass. You can also do this with prisms. We love ours!

Rainbow Science

The next two require some supplies you likely do not have on hand, but they are fun enough to look into if you are wanting something new and different.

Remember those rainbow flare glasses that you had as a kid?  We got some of the special plastic they use and made our own. It is called Diffraction Grating (double axis). You can find it on science supply websites or on Amazon. It’s not the most cost efficient, but you can find the little glasses in bulk for quite cheap.  The picture below is the full sheet.

I made a pair of glasses with it for my kids, though. It could also be really cool in a homemade kaleidoscope.

Rainbow Diffraction Glasses

This last one uses polarizing film sheets. This stuff is SO cool. I have another project I will be doing with it soon, too!

To do this last rainbow experiment you will need Polarizing film sheets, clear shiny tape, and a sheet protector (glossy, not matte).  Tape several pieces of tape onto the sheet protector, overlapping several times. Attach one piece of polarizing sheet over the tape. Hold it up to the window and place the second polarizing sheet on the opposite side of the sheet protector. Turn it and watch the rainbow of colors change. It’s quite amazing!

Polarized Rainbow Experiments for Kids

See it in action!  Isn’t it amazing?!

Rainbow Polarized Light Experiment

How Does Rainbow Polarized Light Experiment Work?

Light waves move app and down and side to side. The polarized film sheets only let light through that is moving in one direction, so when you turn it you see different colors and waves of light shining through.

See my other rainbow posts:

Want even more rainbow ideas? See what the other Virtual Book Club hosts have shared:


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