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Geometric Math Art With Circles

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Combining math with art can be so much fun! Today I want to show you some geometric math art with circles that we did this past week. We made flowers using math.

math art- geometry flowers

To do this fun math art project you will need graph paper and a compass, a pencil and eraser, and markers to color it in. We have this Jumbo Roll of Graph Paper that we have used for a few of our projects now (Area & Perimeter City, Graphing Race, Mondrian Style Fibonacci Art). You could do this on a smaller scale with regular graph paper, too.

geometric math art

The fun thing about this math art project is the patterns you create by just making circles!  You start by drawing a circle using the graph paper squares as a guide to make them all even.  I made our circles 4 squares wide. Draw the circle using the compass. Put the compass point right where you want the center of the circle to be.

Draw more circles overlapping the other one you already drew and continue drawing them until you have a large amount. I drew the next circle with the venter point three squares away from the first circle’s center point.  As you draw them, you will see the patterns emerge. The overlapping sections of the circles turn into four-petaled flowers.

geometry math art with circles

Keep drawing circles. More and more of them!  You can start coloring them in and create patterns with colors now.

My kids are all a little uncertain on how to use a compass.  This project is wonderful practice for them to get the hang of it! It is ok to make mistakes and erase. We did!

A fun thing about using the graph paper roll is that your pattern can go on for a really long time. Plus, you can have multiple people working on it together. It would be so cool to do with a big class of kids!

Jumbo Geometric Math Art With Circles

My kids were amazed with the beautiful pattern we created by just drawing circles!  It was a lot of fun to draw and to color this math art project.

Did you know I wrote a Math Art book?! Be sure to grab your copy!

Check out more Math Art Project Ideas:
Heart Tessellations
Mondrian Style Fibonacci Art
3-D Paper Shapes
Stellated Dodecahedron
Geometric Heart 
Jumbo Geometric String Art
Rainbow Icosahedron Ball

This is part of the 28 Days of STEM and STEAM Activities for Kids series hosted by Left Brain Craft Brain. Hop over there for more amazing ideas!

Also, be are to check out the STEAM Kids Books for more STEAM and STEM ideas for kids.


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