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Why I Homeschool My Kids

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Are you considering homeschooling your children?  Have you thought about it, but always been afraid to actually do it?  Today I will share with you my thoughts on why I homeschool my children.

why I homeschool my kids


This is a post I have tried to write a few times, but never seem to be able to express all of my thoughts and feelings about why I homeschool.  But, I am going to try my best to give you my reasons for choosing to homeschool my children.

I never planned on homeschooling, in fact I thought homeschoolers were weird!  I know lots of my friends and family probably still feel that way…

why I homeschool my kids

The first thoughts of homeschooling started with my oldest son, long before he would even go into kindergarten.  He is a very intelligent child and was bored in preschool.  He loved learning and was reading very well by age three.  He devours books, still.

I started worrying about sending him to school when he would be way above the level of those in his class. I didn’t want him bored, or not wanting to go because it was too easy.

I started reading a few books and slowly wrapping my brain around the thought of homeschooling.  My cousins were homeschooled, so I called my aunt for support. She gave me the courage to take the first step.  But, I was terrified!

I read every book I could get my hands on for about 2 years to prepare myself. I knew it was the right choice for my family, but still felt very frightened.  It is a scary leap, but I was starting in kindergarten.   I knew I could handle teaching kindergarten, I know my alphabet and I can count to 20.

why I homeschool

Over time my reasons have grown and evolved. Now that I have been on this journey for a few years, I am even more sure of the choice I made.  I love it so much that I couldn’t imagine sending my children to school!  I have even gotten over worrying what others think.

Here Are Some of My Reasons for Why I Homeschool:

  • Being able to preserve the love of learning that children are born with
  • Teaching my children on their level with one-on-one instruction
  • If we really love a subject, we keep learning about it
  • Building strong family relationships
  • Not sending my children away for 7 hours to be taught by people I know nothing about
  • Teaching religion and values along with all areas of study
  • Being released from the negative pressures and social influences
  • I know my kids better than anyone else
  • My kids are really learning the subjects, not just glossing over them to pass state standards
  • I can research and find the very best curriculum options for my children
  • We can do hands-on learning all the time
  • I get to watch them learn and grow and explore instead of hearing about it second-hand
  • We can have school in the woods, on the bed, at a museum, at the park, at the zoo, in the mountains, in our pajamas, in costume, anywhere!

I asked my son why he likes homeschooling and these were his answers:
  • I don’t have to be at school all day
  • I don’t have to get up super early and rush to get out the door while it is still dark
  • I can eat my breakfast slowly while reading my book
  • I can choose what I want to learn and how I want to learn it
  • I can learn about God in school, and pray

I loved his answers!  All of these are why I homeschool. What are your reasons for choosing to homeschool?

Learn More About Homeschool:

See Inside: Homeschool Room Ideas

How to Choose a Homeschool Curriculum

How to Start a Homeschool Co-op

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