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Reversible Hopscotch and Tic-Tac-Toe Mat

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For Christmas I made my kids a reversible Hopscotch and Tic-Tac-Toe mat. I used an old tablecloth and some grosgrain ribbon for the lines. For the numbers, I used puff-paint.  Then I made some bean bags to use as “rocks” and as the tic-tac-toe pieces.  It was a pretty simple thing to throw together.  If you can sew in straight lines, you could make this project.

hopscotch tic tac toe reversible mat

My kids have had a lot of fun with it.  It has been nice to have on cold and rainy/snowy days.

 Tic-Tac-Toe Bean Bags

As you can see, one side has hopscotch.
hopscotch mat

And the other side has a tic-tac-toe game!

tic tac toe mat
I made two tic-tac-toe games on it so a few people can play at once.

How to Make the Reversible Hopscotch – Tic-Tac-Toe Mat

Want to sew your own?  Grab an old table cloth, or other large piece of fabric- a flat sheet would work great, too.  Measure it out- Mine was really long, so I made my hopscotch squares 10 inches. See how much room you have on yours and divide it out- you need 8 rows of squares to go to the number 10.  I used chalk to mark on my fabric since it was a dark fabric- if you are using a lighter color, pencil, or a fabric pen will do.  Mark the lines where you will sew the ribbon.
Pin on your ribbon- flip the corners like this:
 Make sure to use lots of pins, it can get uneven really quickly if it is too loose.
Sew on the ribbon.  I did the hopscotch and tic-tac-toe, then I folded it in half and sewed all around the edge to make it reversible.
The numbers were painted on with puff paint- however, I have found it is starting to peel off.  You could paint them with stencils, use fabric pens, or sew letters on- this will just take a lot longer!
Have fun.  If you make one, let me know!  I would love to see how your project turns out.
If you like this project, be sure to check out my Alphabet mat!

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  1. I wish I could sew in a straight line. I am thinking that I could definitely use this in my classroom. The kids would love to play tic-tac-toe as a learning game. I do have a friend that could do this. I think I am going to share this post with her. Thanks for the lovely idea!

    Thinking Out Loud

  2. I saw a sewing TV show last week that had an author of a sewing book that was entirely straight lines, and the projects were great. This would be just as good for the TV show! This is impressive.

    Jackie, I laughed at the no-sew glue comment. I’m sure that would work but it would take a bunch! 🙂


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