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Melted Cup Sun-Catcher

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This week my kids were pretty obsessed with a melted cup art project that we did.  They wanted to keep making them all week long. It was easy and fun to make, so I thought it would be a great thing to share with you guys.  We thought that they were so pretty that they should be hung in the window to let the sun shine through, so we tied them together and made a sun-catcher garland.  They look so neat and they are so easy that the kids keep making more!

Melted Cup San-Catcher Art Project

How to Make Melted Cup Sun-Catchers:

We used clear plastic (disposable) cups and Sharpie permanant markers.  Color designs all over the outside of the cup with the markers. We tried all kinds of rainbow stripes, hearts, dots, etc.

Sharpie Crafts

Once the cups are colored, preheat your oven to 350 degrees F.  Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and place the cups on the baking sheet.  Bake the plastic cups for 3-5 minutes- until they are melted and flattened.

Sharpie colored cups

Remove from the oven and allow them to cool completely before touching them or removing them from the tray.

melted cup art

Once they are cool, the melted cups harden into little colored discs. Then we hole punched each one and tied a piece of colored yarn through each hole to create a sun catcher garland to hang in our window.

Melted Cup Sun-catcher Garland

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  1. It doesn’t work. I used the clear Solo cups, in the oven for over 15 minutes on 350 degrees and the parchment paper was burning. I had to take out the parchment paper and put tin foil under them. They shrunk and the tops of the cups melted a little but so far that is all we got for our time and money and a big disappointment for my son.I tried the microwave oven on high for 5 minutes and that didn’t work. Now, I’m desperate so they are not heating in the NuWave oven. How can these clear, plastic Solo cups be any different than any other Solo cups. This just is not working.

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