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Online Guitar Lessons for Teens

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Thank you Fender for sponsoring this post. Learn guitar at home with Fender Play.

When I was 17, all I wanted for my birthday was a guitar. I used to write my own little teenage love songs and even performed a bit in a few talent shows.  It has been a while since I have played much, but my oldest son has been really wanting to learn to play guitar recently. It warms my heart. <3  I have the exciting opportunity to work with Fender this Summer and share a super cool option for online guitar lessons for teens (or adults) with Fender Play.

Online Guitar Lessons with Fender Play

My son was over the moon excited when we got a Fender guitar and amp for him to learn on. He picked out a cool black Fender acoustic electric guitar. We also got a subscription to the Fender Play website that teaches step-by-step beginner guitar lessons. Playing the guitar is still super cool for teens, so he is anxious to learn how to play. Did you know that kids who play guitar do well socially?  They’re more confident, develop more coordination and math skills, and have better concentration. He is already really into music and plays the piano well, so this is a perfect learning opportunity for him!

Online guitar lessons for teens

Fender Play is a guided online learning program that teaches new guitar players to get playing songs within minutes.  There are hundreds of instructional videos and hands-on exercises on their website.  Fender Play walks new guitar players down a learning path based on their musical preferences.  The online guitar lesson curriculum is designed so that after a few short lessons, a player will be able to learn something new, whether it’s a skill, a recognizable riff or a full song. It was created by curriculum experts and the leading guitar brand, Fender.

We started lessons by learning the parts of the guitar and then how to tune the guitar.  The Fender Play  lessons have a series of videos to teach from the very beginning. There are 5 levels to learn from on the site. The beginning level is teaching my son notes, and strumming patterns. What I love is that they are giving him some little riffs to learn so he feels like he is learning songs, even really early on. It keeps him engaged.

The videos in the lessons are short to give you bite sized bits of learning. Then if you want to push on you can! Each of the 5 levels have 12-15 video courses, each with several videos within them.  There is really a TON of content in here!

Fender Play : Online Guitar Lessons


There are several different instructors in the videos, so you get a taste of different teachers and styles. It’s nice for changing things up a bit, too.

fender online guitar lessons for teens


My son is having a blast learning the guitar and I love watching his excitement as he learns new chords, songs and riffs. I am impressed with the quality of the videos in the lessons and the instruction is just perfect. He is picking it up quickly!


guitar 101 lessons

Want to try out Fender Play?  They have a FREE 30-Day Trial at play.fender.com!

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of CLEVER and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.




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One Comment

  1. Hi I’m 15 years old from Philippines. I really want to play guitar and i need someone to teach me. I hope i can join this guitar lesson. Thank you!

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