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Magic Mushroom Monsters

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Growing, expanding and hardening foam. Can it get any cooler?  I think not. We named this experiment Magic Mushroom Monsters!

Magic Growing Mushroom Monsters

How to make the Magic Mushroom Monsters:

This experiment uses polyurethane foam. (It’s not super cheap, but you can use it many times!)  In chemical terms: it is made up of two monomers (Parts A & B) that you mix together. The monomers combine to form a polymer chain. It produces a reaction with a gas and then expands to 30x its original size and hardens. Polyurethane foams are often used as insulators in houses, furniture, cars, bedding and other building purposes.

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In regular (non-chemical) terms You mix the liquid from bottle A with the liquid in bottle B.

making foaming mushroom monsters

We mixed about 30 ml of each liquid- less than 1/4 cup. We also put in a few drops of food coloring to make it more colorful. Color is always better!

making foam chemistry experiment

It grows and grows and grows about 30x its original size. Then it actually hardens after about 15 minutes.   Stick in some google eyes and antennae and you have your own foamy mushroom monsters!

how to do a foaming science experiment

You will want to lay down some paper underneath because it can be messy!! And once it hardens, it is basically plastic & does not come off!


magic foaming mushrooms

Add eyes and pipe cleaner antennae to make them come to life. You’ll have to do it before it hardens, though!

magic mushroom monsters

We actually did it twice because we had so much fun with it!!

foaming polyurethane experiment

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